Sunday, December 7, 2008

Christmas is in the air!

We had a wonderful sail to Ft Pierce today.  Along the way we sailed behind a community named Wabasso Beach.  I had never heard of it but it was beautiful!  Not only were the homes magnificent, but the mangrove islands dotting the sound made me believe we were in the Keys. Both before and since, the land simply had a different feel to it.
Once at Ft Pierce, we discovered they were having their Christmas parade and tree lighting ceremony.  What great timing!  So, we ate lunch, had our first HOT shower in several days, and enjoyed the local parade.
Its funny how simple things like a good meal, a hot shower, or even sharing a laugh with strangers at a parade bring joy to my soul.  I suppose the secret to enjoying life is being able to relish in the simple things.  After all, they happen whether we notice or not!
Enjoy the pictures:

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