Monday, October 27, 2008

Waiting it out at 38°48.666'N 076°10.975'W

We are back in Leeds Creek.  We left St. Michael's this morning to attempt the slog against the wind.  It was rough and cold and I just didn't feel up to the task.  A little dejected, I turned Aly Cat around to settle in a good little anchorage and wait out better weather.  The forecast says we may be waiting here through Wednesday but I hope it has let up enough to leave Wednesday morning and make Soloman's Island.  In the meantime, Alyson has taught me to play Backgammon.  So far, we are all square in the win/loss columns.  When something exciting happens, I'll take a picture - but don't hold your breath!


Anonymous said...

I was looking at the weather and wondering what you guys were up to. Left you a voice mail on Alyson's phone. I'm glad to hear you're tucked in and waiting it out. It will give you a chance to hone your backgammon skills. Are you pirating a good wireless signal from those mansions around there?

Anonymous said...

I hope the weather improves soon! Keep that cooler full. Thanks for the fun times at St. Michael's.