Friday, April 3, 2009


Hello all.  I know its been some time since our last post but I've been lazy.  We've spent a few days traveling, a few days exploring Cave Cay, a few days working on the boat, and a few days exploring Georgetown.  I have been glad to find that GT doesn't quite live up to its poor reputation as other cruisers have told us.  I guess its a place you either love or hate.  I'm not sure which side I'll end on, but wouldn't be surprised if I ended up in the middle.  It definitely isn't as unspoiled and beautiful as other places we've visited but it is still pretty beautiful.  And, being back in "civilization" does have its advantages... ie groceries, restaurants.  I tried hitchhiking for the first time in my life.  I was headed to the NAPA auto parts store to get some filters for the boat and on the way stopped to get a wi-fi card from Perez - the local wi-fi guru, pet store owner and Rastafarian.  I asked how far the Napa was and he said I should "hike it mon, someone will pick you up!"  True to his word someone did pick me up.  As I got in, my benefactor said, "I'm just having some lunch mon, do you want some?"  He was eating some chicken wings and pointed me to the plate.  I had just eaten a killer meatloaf at the Peace and Plenty Beach Club and so declined his generous offer.  That seems to be how most folks are around here... always quick with a smile and greeting, willing to lend a hand whenever they can.  No one seems to be rich monetarily but instead are truly rich in kindness, generosity and sense of community.


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