We have had a great time exploring Jekyll Island. Yesterday, we all took a bike ride around the island. We saw lots of cool sights and did a little exploring off the beaten path. It was fun but a little painful sitting on that small seat for such a long time!
Here are the pics from our explorations: http://picasaweb.google.com/lewisnance/JekyllIsland#
Last night, Jekyll had a "lighting of the Christmas Tree" festival. There were so many things going on that it was pretty much like a fair or carnival. They had live music, face painting, funnel cakes, Philly cheese steaks, inflatable jumping cages, candle making etc. Caroline's favorite, however, was the snowball fight! That's right, I said snowball! They had a big square fenced off where they made snow so the kids could go play in it and make/throw snowballs. It was quite unusual to be standing by in a t-shirt, perfectly comfortable, and watching snowballs fill the sky. Even as a spectator, you had to keep a wary eye for the errant snowball hurled into the crowd. Alyson learned that lesson the hard way :( ! Every so often they would have to replenish the snow. They had a big chipper machine and ran large blocks of ice through it to make the snow. While re snowing the square, the worker manning the tube that shoots the snow would let it "get away" from him, sending a great plume of snow into the unsuspecting crowd. After the Christmas tree had been lit, everyone enjoyed a fireworks display and sang Christmas songs.